Tuesday, January 12, 2010

make a wish

Well another year older! 32 years old today, still cant believe how quickly time is flying by. I didn't get to have the best of Birthdays as the real Estate was bringing someone through the house so I had to spend all morning making sure it was presentable. Damian forgot to tell the kids that it was my Birthday so by lunch time I was getting pretty upset that no-one had said Happy B’day or got a hug, kiss etc.

Damian sensed that my mood was off and asked if I was ok, sometimes that can be a bad question to ask someone if they are down as I crumbled and ended up in a teary mess. To make matters worse there was no show from the Real Estate so I phoned them at 3pm and queried why no one had turned up or at least called to say they weren't coming, it seems as though there was a miss communication and the viewing time was for 3.30pm, I was so livid as I had cancelled my B’day lunch with my friends and had been waiting round wasting my whole day.

The Real Estate lady finally turned up and the man who was to look through didn't show until 4pm, by this stage I'm getting so frustrated and was about to flip my lid! The R.E. sales lady was quite rude in telling me that I was not allowed to use the spare block of land that is joined to our rental block, and also proceeded to tell me that interested buyers are allowed to walk into the property to look around. When I told her that upon signing the lease agreement I was informed that I was allowed to use the spare block and that I had to maintain it, she said that I was given false information and that she was going to look into it, she also said that if she is right then I would have to move the pool, the trampoline, swings etc, so i said fair enough I wont mow the lawns, and if people are allowed to walk on to the property then you will have to erect a fence due to my kids and animals, as I've already had people just come in without notice and leave the gate open, I could feel the tension between the two of us rise so I walked off and went to get ready.

Mel came and dropped Aaleaya and Kaitiaki off as she was heading to Q.L.D. She gave me a list of to-do’s and before ya know it she was off.

I had several messages from Jacinta asking if I wanted to go to her place for dinner and drinks, I thought it would be a super idea for me to get out of the house and forget about the worst B’Day that I've had to date. Within a few hours of socialising with my besties I felt better than ever and helped make me forgot about how bad the day actually was.

My photo for the day is the cards I got off Mum, Nana, Damian & the kids …


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