Monday, January 4, 2010

Friend’s are like family

I had a surprise text message from one of Joshua’s school mates today. It read … “Hi Kellie this is Britney, this is my new phone! Can Josh come over and play today? Love from Britney” I thought it was ever so sweet. Josh and Britney have been in the same class each year at school and have been really good friends but their friendship grew even closer when we rented a house only 4 doors down from them. They played every day and you would think that they could almost be brother and sister that are that close. So I decided to pick Joshua up a little earlier from his sleep over at Sam’s, when I got there I saw that he was in the pool and I thought hmmm I don't like my chances of getting him out of there LOL Sam’s Mum, Michelle had made them all lunch so once he was out of the pool I gave him my phone so he could read the text message, he said “Just 5 more minutes of swimming Mum and then can you please take me to Britney’s”
We headed straight to Britney’s and I caught up with her Mum for a good half hour and then went to head home. I got to my car and noticed Josh was buckled up in the back seat. I said ok mate I'm heading home now and I’ll be back at 5pm to get you, he didn't want to get out of the car and said he wanted to go home. I thought hmmm something has happened as he looked quite upset and kind of embarrassed so I tried a few more times and no he wasn't going to budge so I didn't force him and then asked if Britney wanted to come back to our house for a play, she agreed and we headed home.
I found out that Josh didn't realize that Britney’s sister had a friend over and that he was going to be the only boy, not to mention he had a fair bit of sunburn on his face and I think he had a touch of sunstroke as he was extremely tired and not quite himself, however he loved having Britney over and they played famously until 5pm.
Joshua, Britney & Lillian…
Josh then wanted to take a pic of me doing a back somersault …
Josh and I dropped Britney home and we headed out to feed our horses, we then had to get ourselves ready as we were heading to the carnival. As I got myself and Lillian organized I came out to lounge room to discover Josh had fallen asleep, so I let him snooze right up until we were to leave, he wasn't 100% on going but as we headed down to Rosebud Carnival he perked up and the excitement for both kids grew and grew.
We met Lainie & her family down there. Our kids had wristbands which entitled them to unlimited rides. They went on every ride apart from the bungy trampolines and made full use of those bands. I reckon they went on the Super slide a good 10 times, then through the Wiggly Worm a good 5 times, the Cha Cha twice, Octopus, Merry Go Round endless times, Jumping Castles, Ferris Wheel and then the 3D Animated Rocket Ride. I got to take Lillian & Ryllie on the Cha Cha and the Octopus and can say that I haven't laughed so hard in such a long time, those girls are such dare devils and had not one drop of fear, cant say that about Ryllie’s Mum … Lainie, I thought she was going to have a panic attack seeing her daughter zooming up into the sky and spinning around like crazy LOL
Jo, Tom, Ryllie, Lainie & Lillian …
Me, Lillian & Ryllie …
We stayed at the Carnival for a good 3 hours and by the end we were all so tired so we headed home straight for bed. Lillian headed off with Lainie and her family for a sleep over.

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